Digital Maturity Assessment: ( Quick / Short )

In today’s era every organisation is keen on becoming more digital. What needs to be done and how do we assess the maturity level has always been a challenge. With a view to take informed decisions, many Digital Maturity Models have evolved.

The Open Digital Maturity Model (ODMM) developed by the Open ROADS Community. The ODMM enables organisations to quantitatively benchmark their current digital maturity against their aspirations and their peers, leading to a set of actionable recommendations.

The outcome of an ODMM assessment is a quantified, prioritised list of the gaps between the target organisation’s digital business aspiration and its current digital maturity level. These gaps can be used by the organisation to create an actionable plan for digital transformation, enabling it to profitably transform into the digital business it aspires to be.

A quick facilitated survey based assessment can be done in a single day with active participation of the key stake holders. We can wrap up the survey by conducting 2 to 3 hour work shop. The questions and rationale will be explained to the participants. Stake holders can respond to it appropriately based on their own impression / judgement.

Our Assessment Services

The short assessment can be carried out in 3 to 5 days with active participation of the key stake holders. Here, facilitator makes an assessment based on the evidence produced. The schedule broadly includes one day for presentation / orientation, data gathering followed by 2 to 3 days of data analysis by independent assessor followed by presentation of  the recommendations.

We are pleased to offer a one-time complementary quick survey of Digital Maturity Assessment based on ODMM. This ODMM’s prioritized gap report can help organisation to expend their resources aligned to their aspiration.

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